Bogawanthalawa Tea Estates PLC Schedule – CCFS 006
Company Name:
ogawanthalawa Tea Estates PLC
No.153, Nawala Road, Narahenpita, Colombo - 05
Scope of Certification:
Manufacturing of Black Tea
Name and Address of the site
01 Bogawana Tea Processing Centre - Bogawana Estate, Bogawantalawa 02 Bogawantalawa Tea Processing Centre - Bogawantalawa Estate, Bogawantalawa 03 Campion Tea Processing Centre - Campion Estate, Bogawantalawa 04 Fetteresso Tea Processing Centre - Fetteresso Estate, Bogawantalawa 05 Kotiyagalla Tea Processing Centre - Kotiyagalla Estate, Bogawantalawa 06 Lethenty Tea Processing Centre - Lethenty Estate, Hatton 07 Loinom Tea Processing Centre - Loinom Estate, Bogawantalawa 08 Norwood Tea Processing Centre - Norwood Estate, Norwood 09 Wanarajah Tea Processing Centre - Wanarajah Estate, Dickoya 10 Illuktenne Tea Processing Centre - Illuktenne Tea Factory, Deraniyagala
Certification Number:
CCFS 006
Issued Date:
Expired Date:
Status of the Certification
Valid till